From Steve -- (married 37 years but feeling unfulfilled & stuck): The excellent coaching given by Bob and Dianne was not only encouraging but very helpful. We met about 8 times (and will do a few more follow-up sessions ) and they helped us find HOPE that we could bring new life into our relationship which was stuck in a bad place. We started dating again without fighting and they taught us a number of easy and practical skills for communication and problem solving that were life savers. The Speaker Listener Technique is a extremely effective in helping us talk about difficult topics without getting angry. The Daily Temperature Reading tool done early in the morning helps us connect and sets a positive tone for the day. We have found out that after a while we needed the Speaker Listener less. Our transition is a work in progress. At times we have slipped back to our old ways. With in few minutes we go back to what the Ruthazer's taught us that works. The sessions with Bob and Dianne loving and filled with Gods grace. With their help and especially with Gods help our next 37 years will be full of love and compassion . Thanks again Ruthazers for your intervention. -- Steve