From Jane -- (needed help with communication and connection ) We have been to many marriage retreats and professionals but none compared to the methods of Bob & Dianne Ruthazer whose big emphasis is on communication, conflict resolution skills and helping us connect positively. We began seeing how when one partner changes it can change the other partner without them even realizing it. They are the BEST
We have referred several other family members and friends who have all reported that Bob & Dianne really saved their marriages even following serious betrayal like infidelity. --Jane From Jane's husband- Bob and Dianne taught us communication skills that really worked and that we use regularly now. I no longer avoid serious topics with Jane and we have the tools to solve our problems. They helped us (and our friends) make real changes in our relationship. We love each other and can recommend the Ruthazers without reservation. -- the overworked husband
From Ivy R-- (Married 8 years; needed help with communication and connection ) Coaching was an "Exceptional Value" for us. Many of skills and techniques helped... especially problem solving. They helped us solve a long standing and major issue... Thank you! -- Ivy